An art video animation series inspired on the Re-Collections series VIII (2009).
1:11 minutes
limited edition NFT's
crearted with the assitant of animator Milly Cohen
Re-Collections series, Animated NFT, (verdegris), 2022digital animated video and NFTSeries: Re-Collections VIII Series: Animated Video and NFT's
Re-Collections VIII series, Animated LOFTY NFT, (rojo) , 2022digital animated video and NFT
Series: Re-Collections VIII Series: Animated Video and NFT's -
Re-Collections VIII Series, animated NFT (gris), 2022digital animated video and NFT
Series: Re-Collections VIII Series: Animated Video and NFT's -
Re-Collections VIII Series,Animated NFT's (original), 2022digital animated video and NFT
Series: Re-Collections VIII Series: Animated Video and NFT's